EzQ Product Line-up

UC Product

Mobile Product

Business Solution

A.I Product



A company with 23 years of know-how and technology

With the technology and experience based on the EzQ platform, the best solution and service. 

I always think of 'people' as the most important
We will create value-oriented software

Solutions for communication and collaboration

Real-time communication

Anytime, anywhere communication possible
System notification / Click to Call

Messenger connection on the web

EzQ UC Messenger

Stable communication channel for 

the latest tread

PC Messenger / Mobile Messenger

PBX Agent Web Presence / video conferencing

Collaborative software company

Between employees based 

on a business messenger platform
Provide communication professional system

Build a fast work environment

Flexible connection with various systems
Can be linked in various ways

                                Best Reference


                   Most customers in the messenger 

                      sector in the domestic corporate 

                                      public / financial sector


   Customer Satisfaction Service


    CS dedicated organization operation

    Customer-tailored consulting service


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