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Emoticons: Pictures worth a thousand words!

12 Feb 2016

Is it possible to use Character Emoticons, which have been established as communication trends, in a business Messenger system?

EZNIX noticed that many users' main need was to be able to use various character emoticons in the business Messenger. Thus, EZNIX launched products with emoticons (sticons) such as common use messenger, and is now getting abundant positive feedback from users.

The EZNIX Marketing Team and Design Team created original characters named Doggy, Bahngomi, Dahlgomi and Raibbit as a joint project and registered their copyright of these characters at the Korea Copyright Commission. Also, this joint team has supplied their product successfully to some customers (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Kangwondo Office of Education, POSCO Engineering & Construction and Seoul Business Agency, etc.).

According to a survey, our clients who have purchased the emoticon package have reported more satisfaction through meeting trends and promoting a more gentle corporate culture.

In particular, the launch of a variety of characters that allow the user to choose their desired character and the standardization of supply to make them ready to use within a week confirmed their excellent reputation.

EZNIX plans to assign a full-time designer to launch more than five categories of new characters, release varied component products every year, and supply emoticon contents to a wider range of customers by quarterly promotions.