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Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd. is constructing EzQ 8.0 Upgrade!

12 Aug 2015

On August 2015, EZNIX received a business order from Korea South-East power co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as KOSEP) to Upgrade the UC Messenger.

KOSEP is specializing in providing power, and supplies more than 10% of the total electricity in Korea. In 2009, it purchased EZNIX UC Messenger and to this day uses this as their major communication system, serving an average of 2,000 employees per day.

The existing UC Messenger (NB Messenger) of the KOSEP established itself as a major business system by major section system linkages such as Groupware, IPT, Video Conferencing, and Web FAX. After this upgrade business it will be renewed as powerful United Communicator by application of the latest trends such as cloud storage methods and UI/UX.

Meanwhile, EZNIX, which has customers such as the Korea Electric Power Corporation, as well as main development South power, South-East power, East-West, and Western power  expects to keep the role of the premier communication agency through continued UC upgrade business orders.